
Access the biggest pool of Profiled and Verified talents in Ghana.

Discover amazing talents for your job vacancies through our meticulously vetted talent network.

Find the right person for your organization. Fast.

Our precision-matching model helps you find talents that perfectly align with your skills requirements in a few clicks. A precise and efficient match saves time and cost, and allows talents land jobs that truly suits their abilities.

Organise hiring with our Application Tracking System.

Simplify your recruitment workflow and stay in control with our intuitive application tracking system. Effortlessly manage candidates, streamline interviews, and build your dream team.

coming soon

Robust toolkit of Value Added Services.

Empower your journey with a comprehensive suite of services designed to enhance your experience. From AI-powered talent matching to Background checking, and customized branded pages, our robust toolkit helps you unlock unparalleled value.

Find Top Talent, Faster

Our system pre-screens candidates based on their skills, experience, and career goals. This means you spend less time sorting resumes and more time interviewing the perfect match.

Wide Talent Spectrum

We connect you with a wide range of skilled professionals: interns, volunteers, temps, contractors, and full-time talent – all in one place. Find the perfect fit, no matter your staffing needs.

Hire Smart, No Matter Your Size

SMEs: Simplify Your Hiring.  
Manage the entire process – from posting jobs to assessing candidates – all within one user-friendly platform. Ditch the spreadsheets and emails, and get a free careers page for seamless website integration.

Enterprises: Build Your Dream Talent Pipeline.
Connect with our API to create a custom talent database tailored to your industry and specific roles.  See huge cost reductions, and help potential candidates discover their perfect fit with personalized job suggestions and insights.

Experience your one-stop shop for building a winning team.

CitizenApp Jobs puts everything you need to find top talent at your fingertips. Qualify, curate, assess, interview, and hire – all within a single, user-friendly platform.

Download the Citizens App to setup your job profile.

Empower your career journey with just a tap – redefine your professional narrative effortlessly.